
Vestibule One The great vestibules shine the distances that cannot be measured in meters, or kilometers. The Vestibule of Three Stars (denomination given for the author) is one of the vestibules most attractive of the territory of the Exu. They are three columns of motley energy, that support a great black cloud silver-plated, of where break rays in some directions, perpetual. Strange sounds, similar of rocks hear rolling in a ravine. The interior part of vestibule is empty, as nothing it was existed inside of the same. When a creature identified or not authorized spiritual if not to approach to this vestibule the same will be able to take a so powerful energy discharge that it per centuries (human time) paralyzed will be able to leave as if was decrees of rock. The agent spirituals or messengers in special mission can pass for the Vestibule of the Three Stars and be led for other lands of the territory of the Exus, and even for other territories: world of the Oguns, Xang, Average Astral. This vestibule has some guards, observers, administrators. When in special super mission an agent of the high step of a Orix will be able to arrive at the World of the Exus, through this Vestibule. In this in case that, administrators are assigned to receive it and to follow it. The great one differentiates of this Vestibule in relation excessively is in the fact of that the others allow the access for a reign, a land, inside of the proper territory, whereas that one allows a multiplicity of trip alternatives spirituals, inside and outside of the territory. The lesser vestibules, considering the energy dimension, are the vestibules that open the tickets for the center of the Mandala. They possess only one type of vibratory energy of ticket. This wants...

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