
The Codes Not very evolved extraterrestrial beings are those who are playing to the girls guerritas with humans. That idea is that can hinder the amount of information latent in each one of the codes adhenaicoscos that the human being carries to awaken his inherent human divinity. But don't you worry. Already many of us that we have accepted this information and not us have died of fright. It is a little shocking at first but then have an overwhelming logic, that you begin to have fun in unusual ways. Something that have the reptilians is that they provoke a sense of tremendous humor. They make you laugh in unsuspected ways. Ultimately, love the game and us more. In summary, work thousands of telepathic reptilians in the crusade of the blue serpent. It is so called. They are divided into groups and subgroups reduced to handle and manipulate weak minds and weak egos. They work very subtly and with the density of all bodies that takes human beings much more unconscious, more work on your part. How much more awareness, more disappear from your vibrational field. I know that some could scare with these latest statements but I have good news. If you're fully aware or begin to choose consciously, I assure you that you'll have allies you could ever have imagined. The allies of the light or Galactic councils of light are another universe apart. They always, always working at your side but don't be very conscious. Imagine if you begin to not only be your light increases, but in addition, begin the benefits of the soul and being. But this is another issue. We keep informing about the reptilians. This information is required so that you yourself can activate information of the original DNA codes and don't have to go...
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