When hearing its name raised to the head and saw Bombar. It waved. It went down to devagar crossing a touceira and it stopped in low of the plant. _ _ As my friend goes! He makes time that I do not see it! _ _ Yes, already makes much time! _ _ Stays going for where? _ _ For the Field of the Flowers. this is the only way that I know.
To the best of my knowledge and belief safest E. _ _ Yes, but I have that to disagree with you my friend. This way already was safe. However, since chagada of the Gondonores hunting spiders left of being. They had transformed the region into the City of the Spiders, and, to pass in the territory of it is almost impossible. Advise I them to return, the way for the Field of the Flowers I am not safer.
Gordon listened to everything with attention. It thinks: ' ' I do not go to give up, I did not arrive here until coming back. I go to follow. Exactly that this Gondonores covers the bush with its teias. I go to tear one for uma.' ' _ _ Without perceiving spoke high. _ _ I will not return, I will go nor that this costs my life. Nobody to hinder will go me. With spider or without spider I go in front. All had been surpresos with the reaction of Gordon. Antenor lowered the head. Nothing more it was said, Beoriano and Bombar if had seated in a rock and had been to talk. Gordon and Antenor had leaned a rock without saying nothing to it. Meanwhile, Gardenio orders the escort in return. In the creeps, the ants had stopped and looked at for the sky. Great dark clouds were arriving loaded for the wind. At this moment, an enormous agitation started, many ants came quickly in Indian lines of some points of inside of the matos, some loading great leaf pieces, caules among others things.
To the best of my knowledge and belief safest E. _ _ Yes, but I have that to disagree with you my friend. This way already was safe. However, since chagada of the Gondonores hunting spiders left of being. They had transformed the region into the City of the Spiders, and, to pass in the territory of it is almost impossible. Advise I them to return, the way for the Field of the Flowers I am not safer.
Gordon listened to everything with attention. It thinks: ' ' I do not go to give up, I did not arrive here until coming back. I go to follow. Exactly that this Gondonores covers the bush with its teias. I go to tear one for uma.' ' _ _ Without perceiving spoke high. _ _ I will not return, I will go nor that this costs my life. Nobody to hinder will go me. With spider or without spider I go in front. All had been surpresos with the reaction of Gordon. Antenor lowered the head. Nothing more it was said, Beoriano and Bombar if had seated in a rock and had been to talk. Gordon and Antenor had leaned a rock without saying nothing to it. Meanwhile, Gardenio orders the escort in return. In the creeps, the ants had stopped and looked at for the sky. Great dark clouds were arriving loaded for the wind. At this moment, an enormous agitation started, many ants came quickly in Indian lines of some points of inside of the matos, some loading great leaf pieces, caules among others things.
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