
Classification Of Toys Classification of toys in the pedagogical and psychological science have been varied criteria to classify toys, which is closely related to the assumed theoretical position. In this sense is among the first classification of Buhler, for whom the toys could designate into three types:-toys designed for movement and the provision of motor activity, with a view to the muscular development. -Toys suitable for constructive play and creator, whose stage signals the start of the conquest of the child from the materials surrounding it. -Toys that lend themselves to dramatic action, fiction, and imitative play and train the child to penetrate into the world of fantasy. This classification of Buhler, seemingly so simple and little updated for this era, underlying an approach as seen under the light of a new-type analysis, offers edges interesting to consider, something that has to resume when valued the relationship of the toy with the stimulation of the intelligences. J. Piaget establishes a classification of toys and games already mentioned at the beginning of this material, which is very organic and consistent with his theory of the development of knowledge, so it reinforces the approach towards the intellectual sphere. There are classifications which refer to the chronological age, linking a series of toys appropriate for a particular stage of development, and discusses so toys for infants, for children of early age for pre-school age. This type of classification has many limitations, because as already stated above, the age may only constitute a general guide, most important to assess processes and mental properties that at a given moment of development are promoted and stimulated by a given type of toys. This leads us to classifications that rest essentially on processes and qualities that are involved, and so we have, for example:-toys for listening and concentration. -Toys for...
DeSheli "Intelligent crystals" - this is the last word biotechnology in the field of cosmetology. They went into the foundation of all products of DeSheli. Bioinformatics "smart crystals" are programmed to restore the natural properties the skin and strengthen its local immunity. This is due to resonance: the treatment of like with like. So works like a vaccination against smallpox: doctors vaccinate healthy person smallpox light and thus protect it from contamination more severe. By the same token, there are "intelligent crystals": as a "vaccination" of old age. In this case, it becomes clear principle of the drugs DeSheli - read the information about the processes of "growing up" inherent nature and time, and their reversal at the cellular and molecular level. In this play the main role is "intelligent crystals." They are designed not only to enhance the impact of cosmetic preparations, in which they belong, at the expense of maximizing the efficiency of its high-quality natural ingredients, but also to get to work at full capacity the organism man, directing his potential for cell regeneration and restoration of natural functioning. Thus, the presence of "crystals" in cosmetics can more quickly see the effects from the use of these funds: wrinkles and folds, correction of the face contour, providing a lifting effect, the disappearance of age spots, making skin healthy and glowing appearance. This unique result is possible because the particles produced from sucrose, are able to retain the information about the properties inherent in the cream, lotion, tonic or other drugs, and without loss to bring them to our skin, whereas in many other cosmetic products change in properties is observed at the time of storage.

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