
Beloved Son Unbelieving Jews perhaps not in their hands as allegories made prophecies that Christ had to die, and that God himself iva provide his own Son for our salvation and that he would rise, and still not understood and delivered him to be crucified by the Gentiles, what may never read When God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son? and ... what was the hope and the faith of Abraham? What may not Abraham said to his son Isaac when asked?: Genesis: 22:7: And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father and said, My father. And he said, Behold, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? Safe Hear the words of faith to God from Abraham, that God himself would provide a Lamb who is Christ Jesus for El Salvador ours. Genesis 22:8: And Abraham said: God will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son. And they were together. Surely God knew that when Genesis: 22:10: And Abraham stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son. They had planned to perform, Abraham actually behead his son, and hear the words of resurrection of the son of Abraham: Genesis 22:11: Then the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, saying: Abraham, Abraham. And Abraham said here. Genesis 22:12: And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do anything to him, I already know that you fear God, since not withheld thy son, thine only Isaac Oh, you were raised from the dead in which I told you, you came to make the allegory it is real death of Christ and the real self resurrection of Christ here on this occasion you symbolism! Certainly Abraham on that occasion symbolized...
The Internet Under another point of view, each time is observed more, the medias of mass molding the ideas and the opinions them groups, that is, in our society the communication vehicles search to reach to all to inculcar its manufactured ideas, generating behavior standards. This process comes more if intensifying each time thanks to the use of technologies and, mainly, for the Internet, transforming the individual into true ' ' citizens virtuais' '. The question that if places is as the human being must become related with the technological progress? The Internet created a new space for the thought, the knowledge and the communication. It changed the daily one, the relationships, in end changed the form to see the world. The technology has facilitated in very the life of the people, and the progress is in all the places. Therefore, everything what it is produced as development of the technology does not have to be intitled as good or bad in its proper structure, but yes in the way as it is used. Displayed of more drastic form, the uncontrolled use of the technology destroys the sources vital of our essence. Mine social relations that become the life worthy of being lived. Beyond the brought benefits, the one that if to consider a concern with the curses brought for computerization, mainly in the Internet question, where the human behavior and its interpersonal relationships strengthen the isolation, the individualism and the masked relations for false images, creating at the same time a distanciamento of the Real and, as in it affirms Pierre to them Weil (1987, p.123) ' ' barriers in the communications interpessoais.' ' Each time more we are been deceptive by social standards that the external one values, having in detriment of the affection, the relations truily human beings. In...

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