If you will be given more time studying foreign, the results obtained earlier. Pitfalls when learning a foreign language. If you start learn a foreign book on-self, then there is a real danger that in attempting to speak on it you'll come up with their own language because they do not know how to pronounce words, what tone and facial expressions used in certain situations. Audio recordings will help the formulation of the correct pronunciation - it must be exactly in the initial stage of learning, but in future they can only hinder. In any language, use different intonations, facial expressions or gestures could fundamentally change the meaning of the same expressions or words.
To learn a foreign language perfectly, you must not only know the words and grammar rules, but also to understand how to pronounce this or that phrase - that is to study the behavioral side of the language. In other words, here comes into force the following scheme: first heard, then saw, and, finally, he repeated himself. In this case, it is not necessary (and even harmful) to try to understand why phrase built exactly why, say, a hotel can set a question, and a visit with a similar situation it would be offensive. If you simply copy the behavior of a native speaker (or the use of this video), not thinking and analyzing his speech, the benefit will be much greater, and headaches on the "why" - is much smaller. Recall, for example, as you learn to sculpt dumplings.
To learn a foreign language perfectly, you must not only know the words and grammar rules, but also to understand how to pronounce this or that phrase - that is to study the behavioral side of the language. In other words, here comes into force the following scheme: first heard, then saw, and, finally, he repeated himself. In this case, it is not necessary (and even harmful) to try to understand why phrase built exactly why, say, a hotel can set a question, and a visit with a similar situation it would be offensive. If you simply copy the behavior of a native speaker (or the use of this video), not thinking and analyzing his speech, the benefit will be much greater, and headaches on the "why" - is much smaller. Recall, for example, as you learn to sculpt dumplings.
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