
Alberto Guinazu Mendoza The capital of the province of Cuyo is distinguished by its lively cultural and night life, its neat layout and a hotel at the head of the offer of accommodation in Mendoza. But for subtle observer, the city is also noted for small details that placed it at the forefront of urbanism in capitals. Mendoza capital has been able to face the challenge that implies settle a big city in a semiarid scenario and with latent threats of tremors with ingenuity, simplicity, efficiency and good taste. The wide ditches, responsible for facilitating the spread of moisture through the atmosphere, spacious sidewalks and the particular path of the avenues have emerged in response to these particularities. Another measure that prepares the City faced the threat of an eventual earthquake is the abundance of places in his path. From Mendoza, nature lovers, have quickly become them preferred centres of urban social life. Families, couples and groups of friends come together in them to cool off during the stifling summer or witness all kinds of musical performances and artistic. The tourist who want to be seduced by the charm of Mendoza squares can start your traveled by the equidistant from Spain, Italy, independence, San Martin and Chile. With its 1600 m2 and its waters supply dancers, the independence square is the place par excellence of craft fairs and the showy street performances. It is also the seat of the Municipal Museum of modern art. The Plaza Spain was donated to the city by the Government of that country, that is why the profusion of Spanish decorative motifs, especially of the 19th century, and the presence of the monument to the argentino-espanola fraternity. Also the Chile square has its monument to the friendship between the two countries, with their maximum heroes, San Martin and...
Spanish Agriculture There is already no problem of supply, but of rural population, of marketing and distribution, as general rule prevents increases in production, by means of quotas in the sugar beet, corn, milk, and other products. Final agrarian production by employment, on average, amounted to 44 million. In such a way that what is planned is avoid the massive surplus, by an economic approach, which is maintaining balance in the markets. This situation is completely new in the history of mankind. A vision of the economy in general totally novel need to adapt to these circumstances. The turning point for this change is the reference to the work. He is planned for the period 2000 2006 a budget in rural development of 4. 300 million euros annually, and a total of 195. 000 million euros for structural funds. For a space that represents 80% of the territory of the u. e. with just 25% of the population. We have also noted that more than half of the owners of agricultural holdings community has more than 55 years. During 1998 Spanish Agriculture received the Cap 112. 608 billion pesetas in aid, which amounts to 164. 631 basic income. With these can enhance the regional market and the formation of cooperatives. Avoiding manoeuvres that affect the environment and small holders as it is to reconvert to irrigated land to be participants of grants, so that these become an end and cease to be a means. They are no longer a support but a modus vivendi. But is he cannot do without them without causing serious damage to a society that has been fairly despised. Something that often forgets in institutional policies they are routed to wanting to install young farmers. Not only speak on economic criteria and modernising agricultural holdings, or give tax...

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