
Culture Latin One of the things that distinguish the Latinos of the Saxons are the codes of courtesy demonstrated through language. Isn't that latinos are less polite, but the Saxons listed more number of times the words please, thank you, sorry and in contexts other than would that latinos use them. So it is that perhaps, to communicate with them and wanting to use English translating literally as we say in our language, we overlooked many times this important fact, and as consequence can be that you for an anglophone ears sounds you invasive, aggressive, little elegant or a little authoritarian or confianzudo, this not being the communication code between them. It is not that we are less educated or they are better, but it tends to form a misconception in this regard, (of course, such a claim refers to a context within parameters and basic rules of kindness and education). We are different, from different cultures, with different customs and habits, and therefore handle different codes. It is true that if we want to have good arrival to another culture, we must accept the codes of the other and get used to use such words, because for the other are important, but for us they are artificial or unnatural sound. For example say I'm sorry so many times or in such diverse contexts in where an Argentine, in this case, perhaps would not use it. Do so frequent use of the please and the type of indirect questions with the use of adverbs in a way as Would you please tell me?, or Would you mind telling me please? to ask permission, information or simply a favor to a friend, neighbor, relative or person in the street. For Argentines, maybe there is the belief that the friend or relatives, needless to...

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