
Agriculture Ministers So the first Vice-President of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has assured him after meeting in Almeria with representatives of the sector, together with the President of the Junta de Andalucia, Jose Antonio Grinan, and Rosa Aguilar. Criticism of the Government farmers, while critical of governmental management, have urged the Executive to adopt economic measures to alleviate the most serious consequences for producers and that then required legally, by what you have to ask the German Government. The President of Asaja, Pedro cheap, pointed out that enough reflexes have missed the Government to act quickly and has demanded a Cabinet crisis between the ministries of environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, health, Foreign Affairs and tourism and trade, and regional Governments, coordinated by the Presidency of the Government. At Community level, EU Agriculture Ministers will discuss at an extraordinary Council, June 17 surely, how mitigate the consequences for the sector, while legal experts warn of the difficulty and slowness that will entail the application of compensation. The crisis on Twitter for experts in European Union law, two different procedures would be viable to articulate the responsibilities: one German domestic courts and another before community authorities, although faster for producers is to obtain compensation that established by the European Commission. The crisis has also mobilized to users of social networks, which have been underway since yesterday in dnsa of Spanish products, once Germany exculpara to Spain. Protests and complaints from yesterday have transformed into an initiative that proposes that all citizens purchase a kilogram of this vegetable to contribute to the recovery of the sector. Source of the news: the Government today assesses the impact of the crisis of the cucumber with the autonomous communities
Strategies To achieve a life filled with many triumphs it is necessary to use a number of strategies that ensure we have good results in what we are doing, it is indispensable to wish with all my heart the goals that we have set ourselves, is the profound determination which is causing people to make extraordinary efforts which in turn produces great triumphs. Only thing that produces good results is the inner conviction, having a strong conviction of happiness and security in what you are doing, life is full of many opportunities but to conquer them we must be a strong discipline to achieve what you want. It is possible to find us with a large number of obstacles that will seek to move away from our purpose, all those barriers are only in us, then the success involves defeating ourselves. The greatness of what we desire is in each of us, we impose limits, you have to fight incessantly to achieve what we have set ourselves. Below is They outlined some tactics that will help us become people of excellence: doing things right: we must find the habit continued to get used to that everything we do has to be well done, logically we can commit mistakes, all we think, then seek help and solutions to achieve our purposes, allowing something bad fact knowing it is reprehensible and we far from a life filled with triumphsYou also avoid excuses because if we accept them then always find a different one, and nothing will have changed in our lives. Make plans and achieve them: the major drawback of most of the plans is that there are only on paper because its implementation implies a strong commitment, the truth is necessary to bother in any way in order to find what you...

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