
Cultural Warehouse In the region of Miranda the constructed metallic bridges in the decade of 30 predominate. Today use of the Railroad station and managed by the municipal city hall, where it was left to preserve, forgotten and until destroyed, to put these monuments supposedly not to have a value that justified its preservation. In the place where it was the installation of the warehouse and the central office of the railroad station today function cultural warehouse and the central fair, where it had the purpose to store products that were carried by the railway and the embarkment and landing from passengers, the Warehouse was constructed in 1938. Reinaugurado in 15 of September of 2004, after ample reform, with the denomination of Cultural Warehouse, the property is part of the complex architectural of the Esplanade of the Railroad of Campo Grande denomination starts to be CULTURAL WAREHOUSE HELENA MEIRELES. The restoration of this building offers to the field-grandenses plus an option of ample space, adapted for the accomplishment of social, cultural and promocionais events, with capacity to receive about a thousand people. Central Fair a tourist point with lucrative ends, where if it becomes a point of meeting and meals. Without a minimum concern with the historic site that is installed there, even though the tradition of the central fair that was installed in the Mato Grosso Avenue was destroyed without population asks itself to it if it would accept this change. This attitude of the governing will not form the one identity campograndese therefore it becomes of some elements, not only of the built patrimonies, as the auto Ricardo Ori cites: ' ' all the goods, are natural or cultural, material or incorporeal, tangible or intangible, are enclosed in the cultural patrimony of the country, since that exactly the identity, the...
The Culture Of Ease A few weeks ago, Spanish schoolchildren of secondary have undergone is the consideration of the fourth report PISA, to evaluate the comparative knowledge of students from 57 countries. In the former, the results could not be more distressing: Spain ranked 35 in the language, the 32 in math and Sciences 31. In other words, by the tail. And, in addition, descending with respect to previous reports. It is that here we have spent Progres regarding authoritarian education of the ancien regime and so will we. The good thing about the case is that we are all aware of the disaster and nobody do much to remedy the situation. All for us is installed in what the former Minister Joan Majo termed the other day as the culture of ease. According to him, people want that things occur you made, and if this fails, protest. The next day, the new Minister of education, angel Gabilondo, coincided with him to believe in the effort and the demand, which, he argued, are values of a society entrepreneur, you don't want to waste your talent. Go by God, I say to myself: the logic begins to open a small hole in a community that until now has been awarding the indolence, the messing and laziness to creativity and merit: a collectivity which allowed up to pass school course with four outstanding subjects. As proof that these criteria of work, character, and excellence once again be valued, President Juan Vicente Herrera also pondered the effort, talent and commitment of the winners the day of Castilla y Leon, lamenting the loss of important ethical, civic and democratic values. Why, therefore if you want to recover those values we begin to require them already in schools and put the means to achieve this? Perhaps, because our politicians...

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