
The Cultural From new definitions, a community rurale, to follow, urban, as ' ' quilombola' ' , origin is not recognized through desua in one quilombo, in daily pay-Abolition, but of the social presupposition quilombola degrupo of African ancestry. The legalization of lands of the dequilombos remaining calls brasileirospassa today for the quarrels around the question of the identity and daterritorialidade. Therefore the historical concept of quilombo is not applied paraanlise of these communities. Thus, to use the definition of agricultural black community would be next joined darealidade currently. After the Abolition, these communities ' ' they deramorigem to a black campesinato that tended if to close on itself, as already the haviamfeito caboclosdescendentesde nativos' ' (MAESTRI, 1984; 9-19). The presence of comunidadequilombolas contemporaries in the social sphere does not guarantee a inseroharmoniosa, mainly for the identitria characterization and for you do not follow occured changes in the social structure, economically and politics, isolate that them, pparently, of the conviviality with the inhabitants of the city where if they locate. Oproblema that these communities contemporaries face with the institucional mudanasestruturais and if she constitutes in the cultural isolation, that is, ainterao of the individual with the society estimates its identity, that is, ' ' osujeito still has a nucleus or interior essence that is ' ' I real' ' , but this formado and modifying in a continuous dialogue with the cultural worlds ' ' exteriores' ' the identities that these worlds oferecem' ' (HALL, 2005; 11). However, essa conception that meets in change, therefore traditional and sociologicamentea identity bound subject to a structure, to the cultural worlds, becoming-osunificados, currently this context was broken up. In the sociedadescontemporneas, the citizen composes some identities, that is, temporariamenteutiliza of some identities, according to Hall, ' ' the plenamenteunificada, complete identity, coherent insurance and fantasia'...
Cultural Event In this way, it is paper of a cultural event to affirm from the values and knowledge that can transmit the effective public. Knowing that the people possess the freedom to frequentarem an event for the search or not of this knowledge, the cultural event is plus an activity to be lived at the moment of leisure of the individual. Gutierrez (2001), on this type of choice of individual affirms: Hope goes of the search of a simple and amena sensation of comfort until a to still live deeply so intense and entrancing sensation that can embed any vestige of rationality with the respect the ends, any rational search of domination, any identity of social classroom, or any feeling of solidarity, privileging only exclusively its egoistic and personal accomplishment (P. 14). Thus, the people generally search in the cultural event a leisure alternative. The fact of this practical to bring it some knowledge or cultural value is facultative in such a way for the frequentador individual, the cultural producer, or even for the proper event (internal and external situations and factors in elapsing of the event that influences in its proper sensible one). To acquire knowledge is one of the factors that create the social dynamics. The involved ones, although not to be in short all, acquire knowledge concerning the world, of a conscientious or even though unconscious form, therefore ' ' the spheres that condition relation of the men with the culture is the semiformation and the industry cultural' ' (BUENO, 2009, P. 38). In this agreement of the social and cultural dynamics, we observe that the cultural events are elements of important contribution stop with such dynamics. Evidently, it depends on the conscience of each individual as it goes to take for itself such knowledge and values gifts...

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