
Cultural Event In this way, it is paper of a cultural event to affirm from the values and knowledge that can transmit the effective public. Knowing that the people possess the freedom to frequentarem an event for the search or not of this knowledge, the cultural event is plus an activity to be lived at the moment of leisure of the individual. Gutierrez (2001), on this type of choice of individual affirms: Hope goes of the search of a simple and amena sensation of comfort until a to still live deeply so intense and entrancing sensation that can embed any vestige of rationality with the respect the ends, any rational search of domination, any identity of social classroom, or any feeling of solidarity, privileging only exclusively its egoistic and personal accomplishment (P. 14). Thus, the people generally search in the cultural event a leisure alternative. The fact of this practical to bring it some knowledge or cultural value is facultative in such a way for the frequentador individual, the cultural producer, or even for the proper event (internal and external situations and factors in elapsing of the event that influences in its proper sensible one). To acquire knowledge is one of the factors that create the social dynamics. The involved ones, although not to be in short all, acquire knowledge concerning the world, of a conscientious or even though unconscious form, therefore ' ' the spheres that condition relation of the men with the culture is the semiformation and the industry cultural' ' (BUENO, 2009, P. 38). In this agreement of the social and cultural dynamics, we observe that the cultural events are elements of important contribution stop with such dynamics. Evidently, it depends on the conscience of each individual as it goes to take for itself such knowledge and values gifts...
Cultural Patrimony Napoleo pie, cultural patrimony of Piraju! Recria your life, always, always. It removes rocks and plant roseiras and it makes candies. It recommences. Coralline Cora Per a magical instant, I go to desnudar itself total of the boat, but apaixonante clothes of ecologist of the prosperity, to register a history constructed solely in Piraju for my family. A homage, despite delayed, to my Anita grandmother (in memorian) and to my Isair mother. The food joins the people to the table, place where more the families if find to pass pleasant hours, mainly in small communities. From time to time a party in the headquarters of the manica store occurred in Piraju, in face of the baptism of the children of maons. In these occasions women and children they could adentrar in that private and mysterious place. Maons was current habit in the seio of the families to take abundances of eats and drinks to commemorate so festive date. In the 1955 gone ones, Long Anita Vecchia (1905-1976) was invited by its son maom Robert Vecchia (1921-1989) to participate of the baptism party of my brothers Jose Robert and Ronaldo Vecchia. In this event, amongst many quitutes, one in special called the attention Anita. A small with about three centimeters squared, seemed candy with one petit-four, those delicious and delicate French iguarias. He was composed for layers of mass, separate for generous layers of cream and call of Napoleo, probably a homage to the French emperor. Emperor Napoleo Bonaparte, a leader to the front of its time, has a curious ticket in relation to the gastronomia. It was not apreciador of the good French food. History prays that, when in combat, it personally supervised the preparation of the food and fed its troop together with, quickly and of foot. Bonaparte is...

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