- Increase of ADM in quiros fist/hand/: Another complication that had been found in these patients, was the shortening and trofismo caused for immobilization and the disuse of the muscles extensores of the fist and the quiros, this brings a limitation for the accomplishment of the flexo of fist and global hold. The cinsio table (Canavel) is very used for amplitude increase to articulate, promoting an allonge of the extensores. We have used activities where we use the final degrees of these joints: light masses of density; use of grains, that beyond demanding global hold, is used for the desensitization of the palm of the hand and quiros; small cones; activities plug-in; writing; palitos; terouras; brushes; confection of necklaces with accounts of changeable sizes; games of ladies with velcro; - Increase of muscular force of shoulder: To play ball; cones; rabbets with great amplitude; sandpapers; AVD (to comb the hair; for and taking off a t-shirt; etc); to sweep; - Elbow: to take the hand the mouth; to bring the hand to the chest; macram in rise; - Radio: use of places setting in the feeding; to open and closes a door; use of crack key; - Fist: Use of the cinsio board; weights; Thera Band; board with velcron. - Hand and quiros: Use of Hand Helper; therapeutical masses with resistance; board with velcron; - Manual Improvement in the standards and abilities: Bolts of small sizes; pins; accounts of varidos sizes; - Training of the AVD/AVP. Exactly after the high one of these patients, was carried through a monthly accompaniment for a period until the same it had total confidence in the normal use of its hands, this monthly accompaniment served only for routine a time that the patient did not feel safe from itself total, and this period would serveria it to have certainty of its recovery. During the period of comment, that is, of high temporary, few patients presented complaints on the use of the fist and same hand having a limitation in its arc of movement. Conclusion: Concluimos this study, reaffirming that even so the deformity remains, it will not imply in loss of the function of the superior member and the hand for this patient that had been taken care of of precocious form, being proven here in the practical one. We also stand out the importance of a synchronized work enters the teams of ortopedia/surgery of the hand and of occupational therapy, that with this was possible this study.
Over all, it is necessary ampler a bibilogrfico study on injuries of the distal radio and its sequelas and the functional whitewashing.
Over all, it is necessary ampler a bibilogrfico study on injuries of the distal radio and its sequelas and the functional whitewashing.
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