
Afro Brazilian Culture Brazil trafficked millions of blacks originating the African continent to serve as enslaved in centuries XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX, for the states of the Bahia, legitimated Maranho, Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo, Pernambuco and Rio Grande Do Sul through ethical and moral formulas through the Church, for some Popes, in elapsing of the years, for Portugal, not in reason of the proper traffic, but in it would make who it. Exactly with the questionings the commerce of slaves removed the Africans of the presumption been of ' ' barbrie' ' where they lived they brought and them for ' ' civilizao' '. Portraied many times for writers, who, at the time, tried to alert the society against the cruel and desumanas situations where if the traffic and the proper permanence, to that they survived the long trip, in this country proceeded, everything seemed to have a logic, mainly, economic. The fond diversity of knowledge was resulted here of the verbal tradition, therefore majority of these people had not still developed the writing, however with extreme knowledge they had contributed effectively in works with the iron, copper, agriculture and the cattle. Today we are mentioned as the country of bigger population afrodescendente is of Africa. Product and result of a historical process, we receive people who had brought in the soul its cultural identity and its true origin and that they had contributed significadamente in the formation of this country through the language, the dance, the religion etc. With the sprouting of the referring to abolitionism groups a confrontation appears of two chains. The one that did not open hand of the enslaved work and of the traders and the industrials, English, that with the end of the slavery, in America, would place its machines to substitute the human arm....
West Nile Is it because they say it comes from Asia and not Africa and zebras do not exist there, we have chosen a name related to an animal's place of origin. And now it is not politically correct to change the place names, for that, no set plays or the color and forms of her body striped like a zebra, you know! even be mentioned. Because they say it will not fly far from their nursery when they arrive to a house no longer annoy the inhabitants, but of course, to come from Asia flying "no place" and may be chosen so choose from these cheap flights have proliferated lately and if it had been hidden in the tires of the aircraft, they will come for free flight. Will they say that its bite (chupopteros) are not going beyond a sharp pain (there are sensitive!) It seems that feed upon awakening, ie first thing in the morning or afternoon, ie before going to bed ... And the sensible do not like a blood chupadita leave a memory nothing spicy. But peace! At first, the mosquitoes arrived Rosas virus transmitted disease or serious as they say is happening in Asia. Although malaria, dengue, yellow fever, West Nile virus, are also of serious diseases that can be transmitted by mosquito bites. But peace! Is heard again here there is no such diseases! and perhaps why not transmit. Of course in this area of canals, ponds, lakes, ponds and diverse land of humidity in the midst of the recent natural park, which once was also described as a land full of "Llaunes (cans) that is typical set of water stalled, is one of the easiest places for multiplication.

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