The agriculture developed in proximity of the city has always been a parallel activity to the growth of the cities. This defined practice in the last few decades " agriculture periurbana" , one has become study object recently stops investigators, students and other planners, who observe the interactions between the city and the field trying to find and to canalize the potential of this territory. The main connotations of periurban agriculture with the aim of identifying " are due to study then; strategies agrcolas" originating of some significant experiences that they can contribute elements valid to stimulate future practices of territorial planning in other periurban contexts. The analysis surely leaves from the contrapunteo between the city and the field, and therefore of the problem of the metropolitan peripheries, caused by the gradual process of consumption and abandonment of the periurban agricultural territory, even unstoppable phenomenon and that has returned to undergo in the last years a worrisome acceleration. This problematic it takes to study and to know the concept thorough periurban agriculture and to synthesize the most important directives related to the protection, promotion and sustainability of the agricultural practices of proximity on global scale, acting like it connects for a later analysis of the periurban territory on national and local scale.
By virtue of this the lineamientos and directions provided by the United Nations stand out, in particular by the FAO, its work and the one of other international organisms. It emerges, against this background, the European Union, unique being at world-wide level, that has gone generated political directed to the development and the sustainability of agriculture, developing them of constant way, to do against specific situations as in the case of periurban agriculture. Two identified cases of study enter France and Italy here. The French case, offers particularly interesting strategies since in this member nation of the European Union it has come progressively maturing brings back to consciousness national on the paper of the periurban areas, specifically in the scope of the metropolitan agglomerations, that has taken to the formation of associations like the Terres Villes, oriented to the promotion of initiatives on the matter and to specific actions of governability of the periurban territory, associated to ordering policies, as in the case of the Chartes Agricoles.
By virtue of this the lineamientos and directions provided by the United Nations stand out, in particular by the FAO, its work and the one of other international organisms. It emerges, against this background, the European Union, unique being at world-wide level, that has gone generated political directed to the development and the sustainability of agriculture, developing them of constant way, to do against specific situations as in the case of periurban agriculture. Two identified cases of study enter France and Italy here. The French case, offers particularly interesting strategies since in this member nation of the European Union it has come progressively maturing brings back to consciousness national on the paper of the periurban areas, specifically in the scope of the metropolitan agglomerations, that has taken to the formation of associations like the Terres Villes, oriented to the promotion of initiatives on the matter and to specific actions of governability of the periurban territory, associated to ordering policies, as in the case of the Chartes Agricoles.
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