
Reading Wisdom and Culture From the moment that a person, of any chronological age, adopts the reading as habit in its life, it passes to receive benefits surprising, on which it did not count before. It is as that a window of the universe if it opened e, for it, it could visualize the imensido of the infinite in its totality, and most incredible, in its depth. It is as if the ears were taken off the lid to it, could listen to the symphony of the galaxies and perceive the combination of the infinite tones that compose the sounds that full the space in a pleasant melody. It is as if the pores opened them and could feel in the skin a new energy that inebria the body, making to vibrate its viscera. It is as if its nostrils could perceive, at the same time and intensely, all the perfume exhaled for the most beautiful flowers of orbe. The act to read, when total understood and tried, in the essence and continued, it passes to be a safe orientation for the reader, being sharpened its compassing of orientation, so that the north is indicated to it with all certainty. To each step given in practical, all the caminheiro of the universe goes being directed so that it takes made right decisions to walk, with firmness, route to the objective for which it was created. Beyond taking the correct north in its march and, certainly, arriving at the good term, it will try, different of the others, the wonders of the nature, existing throughout the road, in consequence of its mental, analytical and critical opening not mentally ill, by means of the conquest of knowing and the acquisition of the culture. Knowing is a well extremely necessary one to activate the rational movement, to...
Understanding Culture and Diversity Are with the culture definition that this study if it initiates. For such definition, one becomes necessary to evaluate the humanity as a whole through its historical evolution, without leaving of side its peculiarities, since it is in the specific cultures that if great differential between them finds. Each culture possesss its proper characteristics and this great cultural diversity cause many conflicts. To know each reality cultural all its aspects, and to enteder in accordance with what this reality represents for they live deeply that it are essential for the culture definition currently. In order to optimize the understanding of this study nowadays, it is necessary to understand the internal logic of each cultural group, as well as its activities. The cultural realities are directly on to the historical context where they are inserted; for example, the familiar cultural reality has in its daily resulted o of its historical evolution and its purchasing power, and is that the study there of culture contests against the preconception, a time that generates respect in the relations human beings. To know a specific cultural reality, it is necessary to also know its relation with other cultures, therefore it is in this intercultural interaction that if extracts understanding better. To if studying culture, possibility of if enxergar are had it as to be social, and this capacity assists in the autocrtico reasoning, and therefore, in one better interaction with other cultures. As one is about subject of basic importance, and always subject to conflicts, it is convenient to understand why of as much variation and diversity of cultures. The human groups had come all of one same origin and each one of these groups evolved of a different form, in accordance with the region where they lived, and the little contact had between groups...

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