As we can perceive, the ideological constructions practically become gifts in the seio of our society, passing disregarded us, after all this are its main objective, lead in such way that ' ' in general way it can be affirmed that the detected standards of behavior in the cultural analyses of the societies are not conceived strict and as necessarily possible instrument of domination of classrooms or groups of individuals for other classrooms or grupos' ' (, P. 184). Destarte, has the direct relationship of the field of the culture with ideology, of the field of the ideas and the representations that the men construct on the society (the call symbolic universe) and the field of the production and material reproduction of this society. The peculiarity of the ideology, and it transforms that it into a force almost impossible to remove, elapses of the following aspects: 1-O that it becomes the possible ideology, that is, the assumption of that the ideas exist in itself and for itself same since all eternity, is the separation enters material work and intellectual work, that is, the separation between workers and thinkers. Therefore, while these two works will be separate, while the worker will be that one that ' ' not pensa' ' or that ' ' it does not know pensar' ' , and the thinker will be that one that does not work, the ideology will not lose its existence nor its function; 2-O that it becomes objective possible the ideology is the phenomenon of the alienation, that is, the fact of that, in the plan of the lived and immediate experience, the real conditions of its social existence of the men them do not appear as produced for them, but, in contrast, they is perceived produced for such conditions and attributes to the origin of the social the ignored forces, other people's life to its, superior and independent (deuses, nature, reason, State, destination, etc.), of luck who the quotidianas ideas of the men represent the way reality invert and is conserved in this inversion, come constituting pillars for the construction of the ideology.
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