Natanael Vieira de Souza To describe and to understand the nexuses and/or processes of hibridao established between the Chiquitano culture and the national culture (Brazil) espacializados in this region of border, require that, before following ahead can in them inside point out of the described concept of hibridaes for Nstor Garci'a Canclini, therefore, according to author P. XXVII this concept does not apply itself where ' exists a process; ' fundacional' ' , but where a modern process of interculturalidade exists. One is not about biological fusing; ' ' production of fentipos from genetic crossings? as cultural: mixture of habits, beliefs and forms of thought ' '. The hibridao processes, according to Canclini, ' '? it appears of the individual creativity and coletiva.' ' , if of the one in practical social discrete, it searchs if to reconvert; used term to explain ' '? the strategies mediantes which a painter if converts into designer or the national bourgeoisies acquire the languages and other abilities necessary to reinvest its economic and symbolic capitals in transnational circuits (Bourdieu). ' '. I believe that following this conceptualization demonstrated in these two paragraphs perhaps let us can understand a little of this process of hibridao of the chiquitano people in this espacialidade, analyzing its some aspects and marcantes peculariedades in this context/time marked for the globalization and concepts of modernity/after-modernity where many of us not yet we find in them, given to all technology and information that appear the all instant without terms time to absorb it, as if we were in the Loop of the Russian mountain where all it passes so fast, that in it hinders the vision to them, in leaving cushioned (Nicolai Sevchenko). According to Appeared Joana Fernandes Silva Anthropologist and teacher in the Federal University of Gois - Department of Sciences Sociais and Jose Eduardo Moreira of the Coast - Specialist in Social Anthropology Indigenista of the Funai/Cuiab - January, 2000.
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