The culture in the aid in our behaviors, the different existing places. For each place we hold in them in different way. Example: In our house, we can make many fancy things, that we could not make in the school or where we work. In third place, it exerts the proper characteristics of each human group. Example.
It is normal that the men who are born in some countries of the Middle East if to marry some women, while in the countries of the American continent, the normal one he is that the men if marry only one woman. We can find the culture in musics, the poetries, the personalities of the people, at last, in the society. As adaptativo and cumulative mechanism, the culture suffers changes. Traces if lose, others are added, in great speeds varied in the different societies. Three basic mechanisms allow the cultural change: the invention or introduction of new concepts, the diffusion of concepts from other cultures and also has the discovery, that it is a type of cultural change originated by the unknown revelation of something for the proper society and that it decides to adopt. ' ' The new invention or introduction of conceitos' ' it is when the society invents more customs and techniques or adds new customs and techniques to the existing concepts already. Example: Originary religions of other countries are practised in Brazil, as it is the case of the Buddhism. ' ' Descoberta' ' it is when the society discovers something new. Example: The cure of some illness, as the AIDS. If the cure for AIDS was found, the society would have the AIDS as a simple illness and would change its opinion on it. Perhaps it would not be necessary to have as many cares and information on the sex. ' ' In my opinion, us we make and we participate of the culture. Although that in our daily, because of the violence culture comes if degrading, therefore the people are losing ' ' good costumes' '. However, exactly thus, the culture never will leave to exist. We always will be improving our culture, each day that passes. We are always making, learning, adding or changing the culture! ' '
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