Gave, and then thought about myself. In agriculture, the House of Culture re-closed the roof and laid asphalt on the street. And - for my money. As governor of the region, one villager gave the bike to another - harvester. Sense of ownership in Evdokimova has been developed since childhood.
"My edge for me - it's homeland and birthplace - it's Altai" Here it is - a hastily thrown over the shoulders of a sheepskin coat. Here - hugs the beautiful white horse. And there, on a slightly faded color photographs - it is a simple rural villagers shirt embraces ... the old church, on the river with a fishing rod or with friends after the final match with a team of stars of Soviet football and hockey. Photo of photography - Kaleidoscope moments of life.
And everywhere - a good, open, smiling face, with merry eyes and glowing with love. Love in life and people. And with the reverence with which he treated sincere affection for nature and beauty of his native land. And as shrill sound today words of his songs: Mother, father and relatives there about me. Even more audible prayer there - among the Russian fields. "We were very close friends with Misha. And we have common roots - both of Siberians, he - from Altai, I - from the Baikal region - remembers his close friend, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Mikhailov. - Was it something epic, some might Hero, he was a strong, athletic man. But at the same time, he was thin and vulnerable. And here is a combination of me in him always shocked. In life, do not forget the one episode. The village of Upper Ob - a unique, divine, incredible place - the whole village in the birch forests. Going to the airport. All of a sudden stop. He goes to the birch, hugging her.
"My edge for me - it's homeland and birthplace - it's Altai" Here it is - a hastily thrown over the shoulders of a sheepskin coat. Here - hugs the beautiful white horse. And there, on a slightly faded color photographs - it is a simple rural villagers shirt embraces ... the old church, on the river with a fishing rod or with friends after the final match with a team of stars of Soviet football and hockey. Photo of photography - Kaleidoscope moments of life.
And everywhere - a good, open, smiling face, with merry eyes and glowing with love. Love in life and people. And with the reverence with which he treated sincere affection for nature and beauty of his native land. And as shrill sound today words of his songs: Mother, father and relatives there about me. Even more audible prayer there - among the Russian fields. "We were very close friends with Misha. And we have common roots - both of Siberians, he - from Altai, I - from the Baikal region - remembers his close friend, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Mikhailov. - Was it something epic, some might Hero, he was a strong, athletic man. But at the same time, he was thin and vulnerable. And here is a combination of me in him always shocked. In life, do not forget the one episode. The village of Upper Ob - a unique, divine, incredible place - the whole village in the birch forests. Going to the airport. All of a sudden stop. He goes to the birch, hugging her.
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