
The Wire The film "Monday (Monday, 2000) In this article about the film "The Wire" I told you that many good movies have a rating of popular movie sites, 6 out of 10. Thus, these films remain unappreciated by the public. I will try to bring them to attention. The movie "Monday" just score 6 points. Do not miss it! I first met him in the transfer of "The Cult Film" with Cyril on the channel Razlogov Culture in October 2004 (I even remember the exact date - the number of 19e). Then film made deep impression on me and for many years until it was on the internet, I carried the bright memory of him. The only bad idea was tormented by "the main thing to endure the first 10 minutes of the film." So now, I start viewing waited, and when will the first 10 minutes and begin the fun part. It turns out nothing in the beginning of the extraordinary, except that there is a sharp dive in the action as it is in modern movies. Events unfold in a spiral - tranquil scene are replaced by dynamic. The film has an amazing feature that can not be found in modern cinema: the laughter is transmitted like a virus, he gets into you, and not because there was something funny, but because you start to laugh along with the hero. Such scenes in the film are few and, in my opinion, this is a great luxury - to show a couple of minutes laughing actor. It worked for me!! Feature film - a black comedy, has fully justified itself: Yakuza and exploding corpses, Left Hand Drive Cars in Japan, the sea of whiskey and a single naked woman, the cubes in the media with laughter and ammunition in his...
Opera House At Rinaldi could not but influence Russian culture, Russian art masters who worked in St. Petersburg, the monuments of ancient architecture and the very architecture of the young Russian capital, which combines the principles of a regular (straight lay) with a living sense of nature and with characteristic Russian architect the freedom and power of the grand spatial compositions. Rinaldi made a great contribution to the development Russian architecture. The ease of entering the architect of Russian architecture and its success was not accidental, because for the Russian Baroque, unlike the European, with its complex spatial composition, is characterized by beat greater simplicity and clarity of the solution. Therefore, the transition from baroque to classicism in Russian architecture was not necessary to overcome the alien classicism complex and broken tracks. Rinaldi found in Russia friendly ground for the work. If, however, he often preferred to more complex spatial decision interiors than Rastrelli, this was manifested the peculiarity of taste and talent Rinaldi. He was already forty-three years, when the hetman Malorossii K. Razumovsky invited him into his possession, intending to create an administrative center getmanstva - City Baturin. This ambitious plan was not implemented. Three years later, built for only one Razumovsky Palace, Rinaldi in 1754 sent to St. Petersburg. In the first decade of residence in St. Petersburg Rinaldi his creative interests are focused on building a Oranienbaum Palace of Peter III, the Opera House and an ensemble Its own problem with its main buildings - the Chinese Palace and slopes.

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