covered half the town. To restore Catania was a competition among architects, who won Vakkarini. In the process of 'digging' houses and buildings from the lava Vakkarini almost 'fished out' of lava little black elephant made of lava ... Mark was seen as a sign of reconciliation between the city and the volcano. The volcano is no longer filled up the city with lava, and elephant, which was placed in the heart of the city's main square has become his custodian. As for the other hypotheses, then in 1508, the elephant has already moved into the city during the Drisi was placed on the west side just rebuilt the municipality, and there he collapsed in a terrible earthquake in 1693, the elephant was broken legs and trunk, which was restored during the Vakkarini in 1735, and then it was placed at the center of the square.
Egyptian obelisk, which is an elephant - from octagonal granite tower height of 3.61 meters, and it izbrazheny hieroglyphs appropriate culture Iside, which must have existed in ancient Catania, and for which there are obvious points of contact with the cult of S. Agata. Restoration of the fountain was completed Vaccarini in 1737 with the first pool in 1826 was added to the handrail iron, was built in 1905, second pool, then to take the aspect of the present without handrail again in the eighties. You can talk brilliantly from a historical point of view to a single monument, we found sobrynnymi together three great civilizations that make up the civilian - the historical substrate of Catania: the ancient Egyptian, the sicula and the ancient Egyptian Christian. Ancient Egyptian obelisk shows that appears to us as they were blossoming trade and the vitality of Catania in antiquity, the sicula, submitted an elephant from lavicheskogo stone, a talisman, with which people tried to protect themselves from Catania Etna, and finally Christian the one provided by a cross and the board, which reminds us of the basis of martyrdom (St. Agatha). and that is religious faith and patriotic love of people of Catania.
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