
Imported Beer What Russian does not like to drive fast? And what a Russian beer drinkers do not like to open a bottle of a delicious evening of imported beer and enjoy the unforgettable taste and aroma of fine drink with a rich history? All of us tasting foreign beers, a few dips into the atmosphere, far from Russia, bears, frost, birches and other such pleasant and native ear, a kind of synonyms in our country. The only thing that worried because the price of "care" in different culture, a simple bottle of German wheat have moved abroad to $ 100, in the beer glass of good Irish stout long ago broke a record price of 200 rubles. Perturbation is no limit, "where such prices? "I've been in Czech Republic was there tasty beer for only 20-25 rubles (translated into our currency, of course). All these cries and confusion are understandable, to pay for half-liter glass of beer over critical for a Russian figure "100" does not want, and there is a No small amount of truth. Let's take the example of understand, where do these price tags on imported beer in Moscow shops and restaurants. We will not touch the theme of licensed beer and prices, in the thriller "License Beer major role revolve entirely different priorities, and people. So, quite unexpectedly, we wanted to buy in the uk box Original article can be found at Wychwood Hobgoblin - 12 bottles capacity of 0.5L each. In Moscow the price tags on the beer the following: In "Bayrose" bottle "Goblin" costs 95 rubles, "Krueger Hall" - 130 rubles.
SMS Advertising Currently, BTL, the so-called promotion of products, is gaining popularity sredivse more companies. This is justified by the fact that BTL is different from the ATL presence of an individual approach to each consumer, the integrity of the events, a comprehensive approach to developing and implementing communications and this option is cheaper than advertising in the media. That the client has not lost interest in BTL-services advertising agency should keep pace with the times and keep pace with the progress of scientific and technical, as well as monitor the development of society outside of marketing. All these changes cause the emergence of innovative solutions to BTL. Since the purpose of any BTL-aktsii/prezentatsii is to attract attention and stimulation to the product, and thus increase sales, the new level of advertising exposure is based on online customer interaction with the product. So BTLispolzuet unique opportunity to advertise on media such as: interactive sex misty screen, an interactive bar counter, which increases the sensory perception of advertising messages and are a guarantee attract potential customers. Interactive floor - one of the most interesting ways to attract attention and impress anyone - it is a new projection system that combines elements of serious technical and production a fun game. Dynamic visual imagery can be projected onto any flat surface, and responds to touch the image or shadow. Viewers also manage their own pre-programmed content in the form of vivid visual effects of advertising or entertainment of broad haraktera.Vozmozhnosti - installations in museums and in presentations, interactive dance floor, the projections in the shops, malls and even on the street. Fog screen - one of the most spectacular instruments BTL. This is the first screen in the world for the projection of images through which you could pass without any hindrance. Just imagine that...

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