
All About Watermelon An annual plant of the family Cucurbitaceae. Food Boc importance fruits - the largest in the nature of berry. Birthplace of the watermelon is considered South Africa, where he now can be found in wild state. Available in the Bible mention of watermelon Daegu reason to believe that he was known more for 1500 years bc. er. From Virgil's poetry shows that watermelon was known in ancient Rome. The Romans ate it fresh and salted, boiled out of it medical. In China it was known already in the viii. Mr. er. Here it is was introduced from Europe - the Chinese called him "the melon west. Annually in September in China to arrange "watermelon feast, where the table was the main treat of watermelon. In ancient Egyptian tombs are the image and seeds watermelon, which suggests that the Egyptians knew and cultivated since ancient times this plant. Out of Egypt Culture of watermelon spread throughout Arabia, Syria, Palestine and Persia. Thanks to Arar, he became known in North Africa and Spain. Arabs attached great importance to the watermelon, they attributed his property "purify the body and make the disease from the body if taken before eating constantly." In Europe, began to cultivate watermelon widely xi - xii centuries. And soon he was introduced in the pharmacopoeia of the time. Unusually sweet and tasty watermelon, which we expect the appearance of every summer, was cultivated in our country only in the xiii century. Began to cultivate it in the Azov Sea and the Volga delta.

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