
The Natal Chart Natal chart can tell us not only about the character traits, the type of temperament, but also to events in human life. The planet has its qualities, functions and roles, but they are associated with and certain situations - events. Sun - the poorest events of the planet, its position in the sign does not give a bright series of events. The sun causes the inner layer is the most basic of human nature, it is less connected with the external forms. Position of the Sun sign influences the fate, but it depends not only on the temperament, but also on the characteristics of our culture. Sun in Aquarius woman sets the type of relationship with her husband and children. Relations depend not only on the sign, they are determined by modern lifestyles marriage. Linda Goodman wrote that the woman Sagittarius so independently, which often do not get married. This is true for the U.S. but not Russia. Endurance Sagittarius, craving for independence in various ways manifested in America and we, as impulsivity and self-Aries. It is difficult to imagine in the U.S. working man arguing with his wife on some purely domestic affairs (laundry, cooking, washing dishes) - is its scope. There is much adultery less than in Russia. If something serious, the couple divorced and remarry, so the problems that concern women, Sagittarius or Aries woman in America look different than in Russia. Children in the U.S. very early gain independence from their parents. and relationships between parents and children there is freer than ours. After marrying an American woman often leaves the job. For Sagittarius, the sign of an independent, striving to find purpose and Stoynov efforts to achieve it. such a lifestyle often nepriemlem.V Russian woman leaves work after the wedding, but the alignment time schaet...
Proper Selection And Arrangement Of Plants In The Garden . As a rule, the formation of our garden, we use the original food stream, cultivated a diverse set of types - from the most precocious, to the very late-ripening. For commercial garden can be used a small number of varieties - those whose fruits have a great demand among buyers and the population. Set of circumstances makes it impossible to draw up the optimal use of rock types to create individual garden. Besides, tastes and fashion are volatile. But there is no doubt that the homestead garden must be more multilateral than the garden of collective farming. And indeed, now gardens Over 70% of all growing trees - peach, pear and apple, to the same part of the first - almost 70%. In our gardens, dominated by seven cultures: cherry, apple, peach, apricot, plum, pear. In addition, not the last position of the total number fruit trees take nuts of various kinds. The predominance of stone fruit species on pome fruits in individual gardens is justified. They are less than pome fruits, susceptible to disease and more drought-resistant. Stone fruits are in great demand, especially in the holiday season, well-used home canning. Among all kinds of stone should be regarded as little justified the dominance of different varieties of cherries. At the same time, it is desirable fraction of sea buckthorn, quince, plum, and in favorable climatic conditions of the region - a grenade. If the garden is given the prerogative of pome crops would be good to use more than Currently, new selections of pear and apple trees in commercial orchards of which is small enough. In addition, the class represented by the group do not require irrigation. Berries - need regular watering and labor-intensive, due to this area for them to be reasonably limited.

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