Academy Director Ernst-Gunther Hellwig, even expert vet for pigs and Diplomagraringenieur, praised the high commitment of the working group. Later it continued then (next door) "Aunt Toni" at the Landgasthof the very good food and drinks. It was intense, mostly technical, discussed until after midnight. On the second day of the working group a piglet producers and fattening farm in the region attended. Two farmers willingly showed their entire operation, for which all students would like to thank once again.
Each compartment, yes every corner was accessible, to proceed with the four-page checklist and document. There to observe much to discuss in order to interpret the behavior of animals. Approaches to improve individual part aspects in the production for the managers were like for the management work involved. Although the level of performance of enterprises is quite high, there was a but the or another idea from the ranks of experienced students. In the afternoon were all observed aspects of the swine experts worn together, extensively discussed with all participants, and presented as a "Synthesis". It is particularly important that they should address not every detail as to be processed immediately. The Working Group agreed on three key points that were presented to the farmers here primarily to intervene and optimize accordingly. The evaluations of the course the participants are all very good, reflecting back on the quality of the workshops. The next course is planned in the fall of 2009. Like you can register at the AVA. There is much to see and to discuss.... Ultimately, these courses serve the animal welfare and consumer protection. The eye of the "Manager" will be trained to provide the animals with best "feel-good atmosphere". This is what has less disease rates result, animal health.
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